Besides vanishing resistivity, superconductors exhibit further unusual properties when placed in an external magnetic field. Small fields are totally excluded from the superconductor (the ``Meissner phase'') while large fields totally destroy the superconductivity. For all technologically important superconductors, there is an intermediate ``mixed'' phase in which vanishing resistivity coexists with quantized filaments of magnetic flux which thread the sample.
These flux lines exhibit fascinating static and dynamic phase transitions in high temperature superconductors: The critical current can depend on the type of disorder, ``point,'' ``columnar,'' or ``splay.'' The Abrikosov lattice, a regular array of flux lines formed in certain circumstances, can be destroyed by randomness, inducing various glassy regimes, including ``moving glass'' phases with surprising response properties. The resistance of the vortices to motion can exhibit an anomalous enhancement near the melting temperature: the ``peak effect.'' Understanding of these effects constitutes some of the most challenging and important issues in the study of high temperature superconductivity today.
We published a paper which described numerical simulations in the London Langevin approximation, using a new realistic representation of the disorder. At low magnetic fields we found a disentangled and dislocation free Bragg Glass regime. Increasing the field introduced disorder--driven entanglement, leading to a Vortex Glass phase. Increasing temperature melted both glasses into a Vortex Liquid. The phase boundaries we found were in quantitative agreement with experimental data. We also have submitted a paper describing the first numerical observation of the peak effect.