I was very saddened to hear that Rod Reid passed away early Christmas morning. I have learned many things in physics and outside physics from him and I have several fond memories. The first lecture I attended as a graduate student in the physics department at UC Davis was Statistical Mechanics with Dr. Reid. To my total surprise, the first thing he did in class that day was to write my name in big capital letters on the black board and pronounce it perfectly. He told me later that it would have been useful for my classmates! I was his teaching assistant for his graduate quantum mechanics class in my second year at UC Davis and I had many late night discussions with him. He had a habit of coming to the department around 10PM and staying past midnight. We would discuss quantum mechanics, the Terminator series movies (Rod knew how many people were killed in each movie!) and Monty Python's Flying Circus (I am proud of the fact that I introduced Rod to this series) among other things. He would often bring me apple sauce and make me eat it since it was good for me. I fondly remember a Thanksgiving get-together at his house while I was a student. I came back two times after I graduated and met with him both times. My daughter, Sruthi, was six years old during the second visit and we went to a Mexican restaurant in Davis. Rod made sure Sruthi ate seven beans for dinner. The last time I saw Rod in person was during that visit and it was in Yosemite Village. We were leaving after visiting Yosemite and he was getting ready for his full moon hike. I was very proud to see a citation to Rod's work as a graduate student in John Negele's article " Hans Bethe and the Theory of Nuclear Matter" in Physics Today, Volume 58, Issue 10, October 2005.
These memories and many others that I have of Rod Reid will never fade.
With warm regards, Rajamani.