COURSE TIME/LOCATION: TuTh 9:00-10:20 am, Roessler 55
INSTRUCTOR: Richard Scalettar
OFFICE: Physics-Geology 409.
OFFICE HOURS: Mo 3:00-4:00 pm, TuTh 10:30-11:00 am
PROBLEM SESSION (OPTIONAL): Mo 2:00-3:00 pm, 416 Physics-Geology
TEXT: Six Ideas That Shaped Physics
Unit R: The Laws of Physics are Frame-Independent (ISBN 0-07-239714-4)
Unit T: Some Processes Are Irreversible (ISBN 0-07-239715-2)
Robert Hayre
OFFICE: Physics Geology 448
OFFICE HOURS: Monday noon-1:00 pm
Konstantin Chudnovsky
OFFICE: Physics Geology 107
OFFICE HOURS: Monday 1:00-2:00 pm
Homework [40%] : Due weekly, Tuesdays, in class
Midterm Exam [25%] : Tuesday, February 1, in class
Final Exam [35%] : Wednesday, March 23, 1:30-3:30 pm
Assignment Two: R2B.1, R2B.4, R2B.8, R2S.1, R2S.3, R2S.5, R2S.11, R2R.2
R3B.1, R3B.4, R3S.1, R3S.4, R3R.1, R3A.1
Show that f(x,t)=sin(pi x/L)cos(pi vt/L) is a solution of the wave equation.
Draw pictures of f(x,t) for x between 0 and L and t=0, t=L/4v, t=L/2v,
t=3*L/4v, and t=L/v.
What sort of wave does this f(x,t) correspond to?
Due Tuesday, January 25
Assignment Three: R4B.3, R4S.4, R4S.6, R4R.1, R4A.1
Assignment Four: R5B.4, R5S.7, R5S.9, R5A.1
R6B.1-8, R6S.3, R6S.6
Assignment Five: R7B.6, R7S.1, R7S.5, R7R.1
R8B.2, R8S.4, R8S.5, R8S.12, R8A.2
Assignment Six: R9B.3, R9S.3, R9S.6, R9S.12, R9A.2
R10B.2, R10B.6, R10S.4, R10S.5
Assignment Seven: T1B.1, T1B.4, T1S.3, T1S.4, T1S.5
T2B.1, T2B.5, T2S.2, T2S.6, T2A.1
Assignment Eight: T3B.4, T3B.5, T3B.6, T3S.5, T3S.6
T4B.1, T4B.2, T4S.1, T4S.4, T4R.1
NOTE: Problem T3A.1 has been cancelled
Assignment Nine: T5B.2, T5B.4, T5S.6, T5S.7, T5S.8
T6B.1, T6B.7, T6S.2, T6S.4, T6S.5, T6R.2
T7B.1, T7B.6, T7S.3, T7S.5
Homework nine solutions are posted outside my office. Please do
not remove them!
Due Wednesday, March 23