Lectures: M,W 12:10-1:00 pm, Physics-Geology 108.
INSTRUCTOR: Richard Scalettar,
OFFICE: Physics-Geology 409.
OFFICE HOURS: Tu. 1:00-2:00 pm.
TEXT: ``World-Line Quantum Monte Carlo'', R.T. Scalettar,
published in ``Quantum Monte Carlo Methods in Physics and Chemistry'',
M.P. Nightingale and C.J. Umrigar (eds), Kluwer (1999).
This course is an introduction to Quantum Monte Carlo.
We will first review classical Monte Carlo methods and then
show how a path integral formulation of quantum mechanics allows
one to map quantum problems onto equivalent classical ones in
one higher dimension. We will study the quantum oscillator,
and interacting quantum spin and electron systems.
Assignments 1 and 2
Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Assignment 5