There is a much more complete linux tutorial on the course website, and, or course, many others on the www. Here I want to present a minimal set of linux commands which will get you through Physics 115B.

What do you need to know?

[1] You need to be able to type programs into a file. So, you should learn the vi editor (or an equivalent). See the course website for several tutorials.

[2] You need to compile your program. Assuming it is called heisenberg.c, you can compile by typing

gcc heisenberg.c

Your executable will be called a.out. I prefer the slightly more complicated

gcc -o heisenberg.e heisenberg.c

which gives the executable a name which matches up with the C code. This is convenient because (i) it doesn't overwrite other executables which already have the default name a.out; and (ii) it is easy to see which executable is associated with which C program.

[3] To run your program, simply type


[4] To print your program (to hand in)

lpr heisenberg.c

[5] To make plots, you can use any graphics package you like. See the course website for xmgrace.

That's it, really! Type in program, compile, run, print, make plots.


Your life will be easier in the long run if you learn a bit more linux. There is a tutorial on the course website and many on the web. Here is my short list of useful commands.

ls: lists all the files in your directory

rm: when followed by a file name, deletes (removes) the file

mv: when followed by an existing file name and a new filename, renames (moves) the file.

When you run a program you can redirect any output that would have come to the screen to a file (eg hermione.dat) by using ./heisenberg.e > hermione.dat. Note that anything that would have come to the screen, eg prompts for input etc, will get redirected to the file. You can put inputs into a file and then read them in by using ./heisenberg.e < granger. This is useful if your program has a long list of inputs and you are just changing one at a time. (You change the one input in granger and that's all.) You can combine these steps with ./heisenberg.e < granger > hermione.dat.

mkdir: when followed by a name of your choosing, creates a subdirectory. You might want to use subdirectories to organize your work (eg for different homework sets).

cd: when followed by a directory name moves you down into that subdirectory.

cd ..: pushes you back up one level in your directory tree.

pwd: tells you the directory/subdirectory you are currently working in (pwd means `print working directory')