Linux is a free implementation of the Unix operating system written by
Linus Torvalds. Techically, linux refers to a single file called the
kernel. The operating system, also called Linux (but sometimes called
GNU/Linux to avoid confusion) includes Linus's kernel plus many programs
written by the Free Software Foundation. The Free Software Foundation
(known as FSF or GNU) is controlled by Richard M. Stallman (also known
as RMS by uber geeks).
If you know your way around Unix, you know your way around Linux.
There are numerous books, FAQ's and Internet documents on Unix, so I
won't get into the details. The best thing to do is to ask a friend if
you're truly lost. I'll highlight the main points of what you need to
get started.
You received a login and password for the Mathematics Computer Lab
system. To log into the
computer, enter your login name at the
prompt. Your login is probably the first letter of your first name
followed by your last name. Enter your password at the
prompt. At this point, you should be staring at the unix prompt, which
may (or may not) look something like:
Now What?
What you're staring at is not so different from a DOS prompt. There are
a few basic commands that you'd need to know to get started. Here they
That's pretty much it. There are tons of small details which you'll
pick up as you get familiar with Linux. For example, if you type
you'll delete all the files listed after the rm command. You'll pick
these things up as you go along. Linux was written by programmers who
were mostly concerned with making Linux stable, useful and fast to use.
Anything that you think is a good idea has already been implemented
under Linux.
There are other things that you'll have to know, like how to use the
vi/vim editor or how to compile your programs. But these are covered in
other tutorials I've written.
Directory Structure
You'll have to be familiar with the Linux directory structure to do
anything useful. The directory structure is similar to DOS, so if you
know DOS, you're set. The directory structure is hierarchial. The top
directory is called the "root" directory and is called / (the forward
slash). Below it are other directories, for example, bin is a directory
in the root directory:
and ls is a file in bin:
/bin/ls <-- ls is a file inside of the bin directory
The only thing that's a bit confusing is that the slash / is a separator
between directories and files, except when its at the beginning. When /
is at the beginning, it stands for the root directory.
As one last example, the document I'm typing is on my home computer. It
home is a directory in the root directory. p is a directory in home.
TA is a directory in p. And basic_linux is a file in p. When you
specify a file using all the directories, starting at /, it's called a
"pathname". So one way of specifying basic_linux is either by it's
or by its full pathname:
There are two files in every directory:
. means your current directory
.. means the directory before the current directory.
So to be perverse, here are two more ways to refer to basic_linux:
since . here means /home/p/TA (the current directory) and .. means
/home/p (the directory above the current directory. Can you see why the
following also refers to basic_linux?
If you can understand this, then you're definitely doing well!
You can find out what directory you're currently in by typing
at the prompt. Try it. Now try typing
cd ..
Now type "pwd" again and see if it prints what you'd expect.
Directories or Files?
If you type ls, you may see something like:
believe it or not, some of these are files and some are directories.
That's because in Unix (and Windows too) directories are actually files.
Special files, but still files. How can you tell which ones are files
and which are directories? Type ls -F. You'll see something like:
Anything with a * is an executable, something you can run. Anything
followed by a / is a directory. Everything else that you'll see is a
normal file. Moral to the story is use "ls -F" instead of just "ls".
You can also get clues by the filename suffix. Under Unix, suffixes
aren't as tightly bound to filetypes as they are under Windows
(technically not true anymore. If you run GNOME under Linux, they ARE
as tightly bound as they are under Windows). This means that index.html
doesn't necessarily have to be a web page, but chances are VERY good
that it is. With the exception of GNOME, filename suffixes are hints to
the user, not the application. If you're totally stumped by what
exactly a file is, you can use the "file" command. I'll illustrate:
# file pppdman
pppdman: International language text
# file a.out
a.out: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, dynamically
linked (uses shared libs), not stripped
# file admin
admin: directory
The # in this example is my prompt.
Running Executables
Just like DOS, Linux commands like ls and cp are programs that reside on
the computer. Most of the main system commands (like ls and cp) reside
in /bin. So when you type "ls" you're actually running an executable
named ls in the /bin directory. During this course, you'll be writing
programs, and these are executables too (once you compiled them). In
fact, in principle, your programs will be very much like the ls and cp
executables. They'll just do different things.
To run an executable, simply type its name. Like you do with ls. An
important question is: How does the computer know where to look for the
executable? How does the computer KNOW that ls is located in /bin?
After all, Linux has to know where ls is in order to run it. This is a
highly non trivial problem. My computer, a small home PC, contains
61486 directories.
There are two ways Linux looks for your executable. The first way is if
you specify a full pathname. So, if you type
/bin/ls or /usr/sbin/useradd
Linux will look for the ls executable in /bin and the useradd executable
in /usr/sbin. By the way, if you type
./ls or ./useradd
then that's equivalent to specifying a full pathname since . means "the
current directory". In this case, Linux will look for ls and useradd in
your current directory.
If you DON'T give a full pathname, like:
ls or useradd
then Linux looks for the executable in your PATH. PATH is a variable
which is very similar to the PATH variable in DOS. PATH holds a bunch
of directories separated by colons. Type
echo $PATH
on my system, I get:
# echo $PATH
yours probably won't be so long. When I type "ls", Linux looks for an
executable name "ls" first in /usr/bin. If it doesn't find "ls" there,
it'll look in /bin. If it doesn't find "ls" in /bin, Linux will look in
/usr/X11R6. And so on. It'll keep going down the list till it hits the
last directory in the PATH, which is "." (see that?). And remember, .
means your current directory.
Suppose you write a program, compile it and now you have an executable
named "integrate" in your current directory. To run it, simply type its
name. If you see something like:
# integrate
bash: integrate: command not found
then it means one of two things:
1- integrate is not in your current directory
2- integrate IS in your current directory, but . isn't in your PATH.
Type "ls" to make sure integrate is in your current directory. If it
isn't, use cd to change into the directory containing integrate.
If integrate is in your current directory, then you have to do one of
two things:
1- Specify the full pathname for integrate. For example,
./integrate or /home/mydirectory/integrate
2- Add . in your PATH.
To add . in your PATH, simply type:
and you're good to go.
Making Your Changes Permanent
Everytime you log into Linux, it runs a file called .bash_profile.
Suppose you want to permanently add . to your PATH. Add the following
line to .bash_profile:
Suppose you always want to type ls but have it do ls -F instead. Add
the following line to .bash_profile:
alias ls='ls -F'
Questions or comments should be directed to the author, Peter Jay
Salzman, at My homepage is
^ ^
| |
| |
| +-- bin is inside the root directory
+-- / is the root directory